
新浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント KENT英会話学院

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Christmas challenge (子供用)

The answers are mixed up. Come to Kent, unmix them and win a prize!

1. They are in Santa's bag. They are for good boys and girls. Here you are! Oh, thank you! s e e P r n t s

2. It is on the Christmas tree. Ding dong! e B l l

3. __________ Christmas! r e M y r

4. He has a red nose. He can run very fast. R d f l o u

5. It is a Christmas dessert. In Japan it has strawberries on top. e k C a

新浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント KENT英会話学院

〒 279-0012 入船1-4-1 ショッパーズプラザ新浦安7F

TEL 047-353-8708  FAX 047-353-8708